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Monday, January 18, 2010

Illegal Words

We played the word game Upwordstonight. It made me think about the concept of illegal words. In the game there are certain words that you are not allowed to use. These words are referred to as Illegal words. These “illegal” words set limits on the possible plays in the game. In the real world, outlawing words, either by taboo or legal mechanism, places bounds on the possibility of discourse one with another. Common courtesy is maintained by voluntarily refraining from using offensive speech. Codifying this courtesy tends to chill open discourse. This occurs because of the escalation of the consequences of the speech. When common courtesy is breached, one can be shunned or ignored. When speech laws are broken, imprisonment or other punitive actions are attached to the speech. Sensible people will err on the side of caution, making legitimate policy discussions unapproachable and leaving social problems unsolvable.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Building Together

I started building things with my son this week. The first project, a catapult. For Christmas, our family received an Erector set. I requested it. All of the kids have been showing a lot of interest in building things, mostly with Legos. I wanted them to turn it up a level and get into building and designing things that weren't static, but could do things and go places. My son was immediately drawn to the catapult. A machine for throwing things was his idea of a great project. We worked very well together, he practiced screwing pieces together using the Allen wrenches and I worked to decipher the instructions. It took us the better part of an half hour to put it together. It led to hours of fun, especially when we discovered that the best projectiles were jelly beans. As they say, a good time was had by all.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Walking with Children

My children like to walk in front of me. Everywhere we go is a race. The first one there wins and there is no consolation prize. In the movies, parents walk hand in hand with their children into the sunset, or wherever it is that they are going. With my kids, I am always trying to keep up by either slowing down or yelling hopeless threats from behind. “If you don't stop right there, I am not going for a walk with you again!.” They are too smart to really believe me. Every once in a while they do actually stop. Once I am within ten feet of them, they take off running. It doesn't bother me too much. I would rather have them trying to beat me home than to have no desire to go out with me in the first place. Next time maybe I will run.

150 words.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sharing the Work

California has a program within the unemployment insurance program called Worksharing. For our company, it allows them to retain personnel through an anticipated slump in demand. Our slump came with the collapse of the construction market. After laying off as many people as they dared, the office opted to use the Worksharing program. This means that the remaining employees reduce their hours in order to share a smaller amount of work between them. That meant a twenty percent reduction in hours and pay, and presumably that the office could afford to keep twenty percent of the personnel that they would have otherwise needed to lay off. In our office that translates to 10 individuals. It means that as work starts to come back we have some productivity left to apply to it. It seems like the sensible thing to do. And I couldn't tell you ten people to lay off.

150 words.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The buses around here are a pretty good deal. For about the price of the bridge toll, you can ride the whole hour and fifteen minutes without having the stress of driving in traffic. That said, the rides themselves are uncomfortable. The chairs are stiff, like benches, the seats recline enough that you can say they recline. There is little space between the rows of seats. The windows are cold in the winter, with warm, heated air being pumped up from the sill. This has the strange effect of making you too warm near the window, but cold when you touch it.
Then you add the attitude of the generally stoic riders. You are shushed if you speak to loudly, whether on the phone or to your neighbor. Everyone likes to sit alone and employs many different tactics to secure a row to themselves. The most private of public transportation.

150 words.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Movies of Books

It took me many years, but I just came to terms with the fact that movies made from books are only loosely inspired by them. They rarely follow the whole story line. They often leave out some of the best characters. You never get the secondary plots. Content is always sacrificed for spectacle. In the end, I end up telling myself, “the movie was good, the book was good, but they were different stories, and I should just enjoy them as pieces of art by themselves.” If I try to compare them to each other, I always like the book better, the deeper development that just isn't possible in two to two and a half hours just does not compare. In all honesty, the only way I can really enjoy the movie version is to see it before I read the book. Then it is easier to enjoy both.

150 words.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Emergencye Preference

When I was in college in Minnesota, my roommates in the dorm would always comment that they preferred tornadoes and sub-freezing temperatures to earthquakes. I have always preferred earthquakes, not because I find them any less dangerous, but for the very reason my mid-west companions disliked them. They aren't an annual occurrence. They happen sporadically at any time, there is no earthquake season and you don't need to worry about finding the nearest earthquake cellar when the alarms go off. It was this unpredictability that drove my roommates nuts. Tornadoes only occur during certain times of the year under predictable conditions. You often have time to see them coming and do what you can to prepare. They preferred to minimize the threat and damage and hope that the localized nature of the emergency would avoid them. I prefer to just let the disaster hit and get on with the recovery.

150 words.